Wednesday 1 June 2016

Eating fruit while pregnant 'leads to smarter babies'

Pregnant mothers who eat six or seven servings of fruit or fruit juice a day give birth to...
children that had higher IQ results at age one than children of mothers who ate no fruit, according to researchers in Canada who tested the development of 808 children aged one year, and compared results with the mother’s fruit consumption during pregnancy.

The study revealed that eating six or seven servings of fruit a day during pregnancy is the reason children at age one had higher IQs and that women who eat high levels of fruit during pregnancy may have more intelligent babies compare to those who dont.

Every portion of fruit eaten per day by the mother improved test results, the study found, while the amount of fruit in the child’s own diet made no difference. 

Lead author, Piush Mandhane said "We found that one of the biggest predictors of cognitive development was how much fruit mothers consumed during pregnancy. The more fruit they had, the higher their child's cognitive development,”

The report was published in the online journal EBioMedicine by researchers from Canada’s University of Alberta.


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