Monday 6 June 2016

University students are taking a 'brain-boosting' drug they claim improve memory to recall during exams.

University students across the UK are taking a dangerous 'brain-boosting' drug which claims to enhance the ability of the memory to recall during exams.
Cognitive Enhancer

Undergraduates from Bristol to Leeds are said to be taking a drug known to be "Noopept" which is a mind-enhancing white powder that can either be snorted like cocaine or gulped in tablet form. 

Many claim to have seen improved exam scores as a result of taking the 'brain-booster', but experts warn the drug has a host of side effects including cardiovascular problems and depression.

Students are said to be buying it online, particularly from the US - where it is available in pharmacies and from Russia where it is prescribed for cognitive enhancement and some mental disorders.

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